
Why Rush DKE?

  • Scholars.

    Here at DKE we prioritize academics foremost. We are proud to have members across a broad range of majors, from history, to engineering, business to sociology. During our pledge process this is cemented in with study session attendance being mandated.

  • Gentlemen.

    Being a member of DKE requires more than just being able to party, and have fun. Being a gentleman of DKE is a full time responsibility, requiring that members have respect for those around us, and be active in supporting our community through philanthropy and being pillars of the community.

  • Jolly Good Fellows!

    Last but not least we do know how to have a good time. From brotherhood events to daily adventures and an environment of work hard play hard, here at DKE there is never a quiet moment. Focus must be put on being a scholar and gentleman, but once the sun goes down its time to get rowdy!

DKE is more than just a place to live while an undergraduate. Our members, from the day they join DKE, are afforded the opportunity to form lifelong friendships, grow as a person through fraternal and collegiate experiences, and graduate ready to find success in all facets of life. We reward academic excellence. Because of the generosity of our alumni, we have funds within the UW Foundation and the Deke Foundation from which our members can receive scholarships to cover tuition or pursue other academic interests.

We view giving back to the community a staple of fraternity life. As former President George H.W. Bush (himself a Deke) noted, “there could be no definition of success that does not include service to others.” Many of our members find helping those in need one of the most rewarding experiences of membership in Delta Kappa Epsilon.

We reinforce the importance of health and wellbeing by having an officer whose responsibilities include bringing in speakers to present on topics such as stress management, good sleeping habits, and alcohol education.

Finally, our fully renovated chapter house, located on the corner of 18th Avenue NE and NE 47th Street, has the amenities a modern fraternity requires and is wonderfully served by a bricked-in courtyard. Each member sleeps in a bedroom – we do not have a sleeping porch.