A pivotal part of what we do.


We understand that parents may have concerns about their son(s) joining a fraternity. They may wonder, will he have time for his academics and other extracurricular activities? Will he be subject to hazing? How much will it cost? Are all fraternities elitist? On this page we answer these and other questions to assure parents that joining a fraternity, and Delta Kappa Epsilon in particular, will benefit their sons greatly as they transition into adulthood and prepare for life after college. 

How is Delta Kappa Epsilon different than other fraternities?

Our founders sought to form a society that would consist of men who combined in the most equal proportion the gentleman, the scholar, and the jolly good fellow. This remains our criteria to this day. 

We aspire to be a highly respected fraternity, focused on excellent chapter performance, populated with men of distinction whose behavior is exemplary in all respects and who go on to become leaders in their chosen fields of endeavor. To this end, we conduct ourselves according to our DEKE values:

  • Dignity: As gentlemen, we conduct ourselves in a dignified manner and value everyone equally. 

  • Kindness: As jolly good fellows, we are friendly, generous, and considerate.

  • Excellence: As scholars, we pursue our academic and professional endeavors dutifully, honestly, and to the best of our ability. 

Our policies and educational programs challenge members to be better men, to embrace the values of diversity and inclusion, and to create safe environments where all members are heard and where the social and physical wellbeing of all individuals are protected.

 FAQs from Parents

If your questions aren’t answered by the information on this page, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the members of our executive team.